In case you have ordered a hosting package and you’ve got certain queries associated with a particular feature/function, or if you’ve confronted some challenge and you need help, you should be able to touch base with the respective tech support staff. All hosting providers deploy a ticketing system no matter if they offer other methods of contacting them apart from it or not, because the very best way to tackle a problem most often is to use a ticket. This model of communication renders the replies exchanged by both sides simple to follow and allows the help desk support team members to escalate the issue if, for example, a system administrator needs to get involved. Typically, the ticketing system is not directly linked to the hosting space and is part of the billing account, so you will have to use no less than 2 separate accounts to touch base with the customer service team and to actually manage the hosting space. Constantly switching between different accounts may often be a drag, not to mention the fact that it requires quite a long time for the vast majority of hosting companies to reply to the ticket requests themselves.

Integrated Ticketing System in Web Hosting

Our Linux web hosting packages feature an integrated trouble ticket system, which is included in our in-house created Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Unlike other comparable tools, Hepsia allows you to manage everything related to the web hosting service itself in one location – payments, files, emails, support tickets, etc., eliminating the need to log in and out of different interfaces. If you have any technical or pre-sales questions or any problems, you can open a ticket with a few clicks without the need to log out of your hosting Control Panel. In the meantime, you can select a category and our system will offer you a variety of informational articles, which will provide you with more info and which may help you fix any specific issue even before you actually open a ticket. We guarantee a ticket response time of no more than sixty minutes, even in case it’s a weekend or a legal holiday.

Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages, was designed with one goal in mind – that you should be able to manage everything connected with your account from one place and the trouble tickets aren’t an exception. Our ticketing system is integrated into the Hepsia Control Panel, so, if you’ve got an enquiry or stumble upon an obstacle, you can get in touch with our help desk staff members straight away without the need to log into a totally different system. You can search through your web files or check various account settings while opening a new ticket or reading the response to an older one. If you have lots of tickets and you would like to track down a particular one, you can make use of the smart search option, which is available in the Help section of the Control Panel. We guarantee that you will get an answer in less than sixty minutes irrespective of the nature of your inquiry or problem.